Event processing delays - Flag Statuses
Incident Report for LaunchDarkly
By July 4 10:38 AM UTC, the issue is fully resolved.
Posted Jul 04, 2023 - 04:16 PDT
The issue started again on July 4 7:50 AM UTC that is preventing flag status events from being processed. This is causing Flag Statuses to fall behind. Our engineers are working on the problem now. Note that all flag eval events are preserved and Flag Statuses will catch up once the issue is resolved.
Posted Jul 04, 2023 - 01:08 PDT
We have identified the issue and addressed it, so Flag Statuses should be up to date now. We are monitoring this to make sure the issue does not reoccur.
Posted Jul 03, 2023 - 23:01 PDT
We have identified a problem that started on July 4 5:14 AM UTC that is preventing flag status events from being processed. This is causing Flag Statuses to fall behind. Our engineers are working on the problem now. Note that all flag eval events are preserved and Flag Statuses will catch up once the issue is resolved.

There is no impact to other LaunchDarkly Services.
Posted Jul 03, 2023 - 22:44 PDT
This incident affected: Feature management (non-core functionality) (Flag usage metrics).